Bits of Torah Truths – Torah Concept in the NT: Blessing and Return from Giving – Episode 429


Bits of Torah Truths – Torah Concept in the NT: Blessing and Return from Giving – Episode 429 

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Luke 6:38 
6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” (NASB)

2 Corinthians 9:6
9:6 Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. (NASB) 

Luke 6:38
 תְּנוּ וְיִנָּתֵן לָכֶם; מִדָּה יָפָה, דְּחוּסָה, גְּדוּשָׁה וְשׁוֹפַעַת יִתְּנוּ בְּחֵיקְכֶם, כִּי בַּמִּדָּה שֶׁאַתֶּם מוֹדְדִים יִמָּדֵד לָכֶם.״

2 Corinthians 9:6
הֵן הַזּוֹרֵעַ בְּצִמְצוּם יִקְצֹר בְּצִמְצוּם, וְהַזּוֹרֵעַ בִּנְדִיבוּת יִקְצֹר בְּשֶׁפַע.

The Torah does contain passages that highlight the concept of blessings and returns based on giving. (Luke 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:6) Here are a couple of examples. In Deuteronomy 15:10 we read, “You shall surely give to him, and your heart should not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the Lord your God will bless you in all your works and in all to which you put your hand.” This verse emphasizes that giving should be done willingly and without grief, and it promises blessings from God for those who give. Also, in Proverbs 11:24-25 we read, “There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” Although Proverbs is not part of the Torah, its teachings are Torah based and are a significant part of the Hebrew Bible. These verses emphasize that generosity leads to abundance and blessings. These passages reflect the principle that giving generously leads to blessings and returns, similar to the concept found in Luke 6:38 and 2 Corinthians 9:6. This is how both Yeshua and Paul taught Torah, the Torah has not passed away!