Watch Dr Duane Miller Explain How the Rabbis and the Targum Directly Correlate to Yeshua in the NT, ישעיהו מב:ז-יב/ Isaiah 42:7-12


How the Rabbis, the Targum, and Isaiah 42:7-12 Reveals the Identity and Mission of the Messiah. The New Song of Praise in Isaiah 42:7-12: A Response to God’s Salvation and Justice. The Servant of God in Isaiah 42:7-12: A Light to the Nations and a Redeemer of Israel.

Part 3
0:55 Targum Jonathan Son of Uziel on Isaiah 42.7-12 תרגום יונתן בן עוזיאל אל ישעיה פרק מב:ז-יב
3:18 Interesting features of the Aramaic Targum on Isaiah 42.7
7:45 Rabbinic interpretation parallels NT, Likutei Moharan, Introduction 5
10:55 How Rashi parallels NT interpretation of the Messiah, Rashi on Isaiah 42.7 Part 1-2
14:21 Interesting features of the Aramaic Targum on Isaiah 42.8
19:07 Rabbinic interpretation parallels Paul in NT, Pesikta DeRab Kahanna 7.2
23:17 Interesting features of the Aramaic Targum on Isaiah 42.9-10
25:11 Interesting features of the Aramaic Targum on Isaiah 42.11-12
28:33 How Rashi refers to the Messiah as raising Gentiles from the dead, Rashi on Isaiah 42.11 Parts 1-4

Live Stream Begins: USA: Wednesday 6:30 PM EST

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