Bits of Torah Truths – The NT Promotes the Way of the Torah for Faith – Episode 162


Bits of Torah Truths – The NT Promotes the Way of the Torah for Faith – Episode 162

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Hebrews 10:37
לז כִּי ״עוֹד מְעַט קָט וְהַבָּא יָבוֹא, וְלֹא יְאַחֵר.

Hebrews 10:37
37 For yet in a very little while,He who is coming will come, and will not delay. (NASB)

Habakkuk 2:3–4
3 “For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay. 4 “Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith. (NASB)

Here Hebrews 10:37 quotes Habbakuk 2:3-4 which speaks to the future expectation of God bringing His plans to completion. Note that Habbakuk 2:3-4 speaks of the appointed times and faith. Living by faith is considered to be one of the key expressions of the Jewish concept of emunah, or faith in God. Emunah means trusting in God’s goodness, justice, and promises, even when things seem difficult or uncertain. Emunah also implies obedience to God’s commandments and willingness to follow His guidance according to the Torah. The Torah has not passed away!