Antimissionaries be like… Jesus was not a Torah Jew – Episode 2


Episode 2

כג:א אָז דִבֵּר יֵשׁוּעַ אֶל הֲמוֹן הָעָם וְאֶל תַּלְמִידָיו. ב אָמַר לָהֶם׃ ״הַסּוֹפְרִים וְהַפְּרוּשִׁים יוֹשְׁבִים עַל כִּסֵּא מֹשֶׁה. ג לָכֵן כָּל אֲשֶׁר יֹאמְרוּ לָכֶם עֲשׂוּ וְשִׁמְרוּ, (דברים יז׳ י׳–יב׳) אַךְ כְּמַעֲשֵׂיהֶם אַל תַּעֲשׂוּ, כִּי אוֹמְרִים הֵם וְאֵינָם (עוֹשִׂים. (מלאכי ב׳ ז׳–ח׳

Yeshua told his followers to follow and observe the teachings and instructions of the Rabbis (Matthew 23:1-3). That is an inherently Torah-observant statement as we know the commandment written in Deuteronomy 17:8-12. These three verses suggest that Yeshua upheld the Rabbinic tradition and fence laws in addition to the written Torah. The proof is here in Matthew 23!