Bits of Torah Truths – A Torah Concept in the NT: You Shall Not Eat Meat given to Idols – Episode 211


Bits of Torah Truths – A Torah Concept in the NT: You Shall Not Eat Meat given to Idols – Episode 211

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Acts 15:29
כט לְהִמָּנַע מִזִּבְחֵי אֱלִילִים וּמִדַּם, מִבְּשַׂר הַנֶּחֱנָק וּמִן הַזְּנוּת. אִם תִּשָּׁמְרוּ מֵאֵלֶּה תֵּיטִיבוּ לַעֲשׂוֹת. שָׁלוֹם לָכֶם.

Acts 15:29
15:29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well. (KJV)

Here in Acts 15:29 we see the command against eating meat offered to idols. The Torah does in fact contain commands against consuming meat that has been offered to idols. This is considered a form of idolatry and is prohibited. For instance, in Exodus 34:15, it is cautioned not to forge treaties with idolatrous inhabitants, as this could lead to partaking in their sacrificial offerings. Additionally, Deuteronomy 32:38 speaks specifically against consuming the fat of offerings and the wine of libations offered to idols. These commands are part of a broader set of laws that aim to prevent God’s people from engaging in idolatrous practices. The prohibition is not only historical but has contemporary relevance in Jewish law and practice, affecting decisions on what foods can be consumed according to kosher dietary laws. Note again according to the NT the Torah has not passed away!