Antimissionaries be like… Jesus was not a Rabbi – Part 2, Episode 27


Episode 27 –

The most significant aspect of Yeshua’s ministry was his relationship to the Torah and traditions which clearly distinguishes him as a Rabbi. He declared the authority of the Torah in Matthew 5:17-19. He accepted the Pharisaic halakhot and the Oral Torah in Matthew 23:1-3 when he said, “you must obey them and do everything they tell you.” In addition, he endorsed the halakhah of the tithing of herbs (Mathew 23:23), the bracha at meals (Mark 8:6), blessings over wine, and the reciting of the Rabbinic prayers, and the Hallel at the Passover Seder (commonly known as the last supper) (Mark 14:22-23, 26).