Watch Dr Duane Miller Discuss the Rabbinic and Biblical Connections to the Righteousness of One Man being Credited to Generations that Followed, ישעיהו לב:ח-יד / Isaiah 32:8-14


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0:55 Targum Jonathan Son of Uziel on Isaiah 32,8-14 תרגום יונתן בן עוזיאל אל ישעיה פרק לב:ח-יד
7:33 noble things – Tanya, Oart IV; Iggeret HaKodesh 32,1
10:54 Redemption, Grace, and the Torah, Romans 3,21-26
12:31 the righteousness of someone else being credited to us, Psalms 106,28-31
16:40 Shenei Luchot HaBerit, Torah Shebikhtav, Ki Teitzei, Torah Ohr 72
24:01 John 14,13-14 Asking in Yeshua’s name.
25:16 Rashi on Isaiah 32,9 Parts 1-2
25:38 Rashi on Isaiah 32,10 Parts 1-2
27:22 the primacy of the Messiah, Colossians 1,18-20
28:39 being reconciled to God in the Messiah, 2 Corinthians 5,18-19
32:32 Rashi on Isaiah 32,14 Parts 1-6.
33:48 God tests His people through His Mercy and Grace, Exodus 16,4 ספר שמות פרק טז:ד

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