Bits of Torah Truths – Torah Concept in the NT: Be Renewed in Spirit – Episode 258


Bits of Torah Truths – Torah Concept in the NT: Be Renewed in Spirit – Episode 258

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Ephesians 4:23
כג וּלְהִתְחַדֵּשׁ הִתְחַדְּשׁוּת רוּחָנִית בְּשִׂכְלְכֶם,

Ephesians 4:23
4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; (KJV)

Paul writes in Ephesians 4:23 about being renewed in the spirit of your mind. The Torah does emphasize the importance of spiritual renewal and transformation in several instances. For example, in the book of Deuteronomy, Moses urges the Israelites to circumcise their hearts, implying a spiritual renewal. Deuteronomy 10:16 states, “Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.” This verse, like Ephesians 4:23, underscores the importance of spiritual transformation and renewal. In Exodus, God gives the Israelites the Ten Commandments, a new set of laws meant to guide their behavior and renew their relationship with God through obedience to the commands. This can be seen as a form of spiritual renewal, as the Israelites are called to abandon their old ways and embrace a new way of life that is in accordance with God’s Torah. Note how these examples share the common theme of spiritual renewal and transformation. The Torah has not passed away!