Bits of Torah Truths – The Torah Concept of Being Poured Out – Episode 132 


Bits of Torah Truths – The Torah Concept of Being Poured Out – Episode 132

2 Timothy 4:6
ו אֲנִי עַצְמִי כְּבָר מֻסָּךְ כְּנֶסֶךְ וְעֵת פְּטִירָתִי הִגִּיעָה.

2 Timothy 4:6
6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. (NASB)

Leviticus 23:13 
13 ‘Its grain offering shall then be two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil, an offering by fire to the Lord for a soothing aroma, with its libation, a fourth of a hin of wine. (NASB)

According to 2 Timothy 4:6, Paul related himself as a drink offering and likewise because he lived his life for the Lord that his life is a pleasing aroma to the Lord. He got this concept from Leviticus 23:13 that speaks of the drink offering. Here he speaks to his departure meaning that he will be killed for his faith in Yeshua. These Torah concepts have not passed away!